Guild Wars 2 Asset Kit
ArenaNet is pleased to provide the Guild Wars 2 Asset Kit, a collection of visual assets related to the upcoming Guild Wars 2. This material is intended to help you communicate information about Guild Wars 2 and to create compelling content related to the game. If you’re looking for official GW2 visuals for your blog, fan site, website, magazine, publication, or project, these graphics are here for your use.
We offer four different versions of the Asset Kit:
- The Basic Guild Wars 2 Asset Kit contains logos, concept art, screenshots, and the current game FAQ.
- The HD Guild Wars 2 Asset Kit contains 5 high-resolution, multi-layered PSD files.
- The Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Asset Kit contains logos, screenshots, key art, and more.
- The Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Asset Kit contains logos, concept art, wallpapers, backgrounds, and more.
Please read the Content Terms of Use and the Guidelines documents contained in the Asset Kit for information about the appropriate use of this material.
Questions? Contact our Community Team at and type “Asset Kit” in the subject line.

(The Asset Kit is updated from time to time. To see what’s changed, check our update notes.)