Join the Fan Forge Dragon Challenge

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on 11th August, 2021

Is there a dragon inside you, roaring to be freed? Join the Fan Forge Dragon Challenge and release it into the world! You may also want to see someone at the Durmand Priory about that, depending on how long you’ve spent around corrupted artifacts.

Submit your dragon-themed ideas for official Guild Wars 2 merchandise to the Guild Wars 2 Fan Forge between August 10 and September 9, and you could win a beautiful Aurene Collector’s Statue and other great prizes. Learn more about the Fan Forge and how your designs can become official merchandise here.

Grand Prize: $500 USD, an Aurene Elder Dragon Premium Collector’s Statue, and 1,000 gems

Runner Up: $250 USD and 1,000 gems

Prepurchase Your Aurene Collector’s Statue

Prepurchase this beautiful Aurene Elder Dragon Collector’s Statue before August 20 to bring her home to your lair. You’ll receive a an in-game cape for your characters, too!

Aurene and her base are decorated using a unique process called Vacuplating, in which vaporized color formula bonds to the molded sculpture in a vacuum chamber. The result is a thin layer of iridescent shimmer that evokes Aurene’s beauty—and while it requires more special care than painting, it’s perfect for a premium, durable collectable statue. The estimated delivery date is January 2022.

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