Joshua “Grouch” Davis is joined by PvP programmer Evan Lesh for a preview of the upcoming PvP infrastructure changes
A new mining tool and a returning miniature join the Black Friday preparations.
Gameplay Programmer Evan Lesh explains the upcoming improvements to the PvP experience!
The top PvP teams in Guild Wars 2 will clash on 5 December in Beijing, China.
Server Programmer Justin O’Dell explains the upcoming improvements to matchmaking and the leaderboards!
Principal Game Designer Teddy Nguyen and Writer Peter Fries join Rubi on Points of Interest for Tangled Paths!
We’re making some big changes to PvP on 2 December. Learn about them here!
Cut your own path with these unique Gem Store offerings!
Tangled Paths begins today! Read on for today’s release notes.
(English) Only two weekends down and the upsets are rampant! Join us this Sunday for the next chapter.