Celebrate today’s expansion announcement with amazing new mount skins, a new weapon collection, and more!
A brief retrospective on the development of our last expansion.
Flock toward these new items and discounts!
Experience Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure’s finale today.
Soft wolves, fluffy clouds, and epic debates will be the highlight of your week!
Coming soon: the final major update for Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, WvW World Restructuring, quality-of-life updates, and more.
Today is all about loveliness! A golden bow shoots for the crystal-like stars, and there’s beautiful lace to adorn your back. Check it all out in the Gem Store!
Winged boots are the perfect look when you’re catching air on your roller beetle!
Explore Moto’s virtual world and earn new rewards and achievements!
Grab your characters a new outfit, cape, glider, emote, and more.