A Very Merry Wintersday
Starting 10th December, 2013
The nights may be growing longer and colder, but Lion’s Arch is merrier than ever before! Wintersday is returning to Tyria, along with everyone’s favorite toymaking inventor – Tixx! Celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of the next in this six-week winter festival!
The Wondrous Workshop
Enter Toymaker Tixx’s workshop inside his golem-shaped airship, the Infinirarium, to corral mischievous toys and set things to rights!
Winter Wonderland
The multi-path Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle is full of beautiful delights and death-defying challenges! Leap from snowflake to snowflake, prance up a stack of gifts, and race giant snowballs on your way to the prize!
Bell Choir
Make sweet music ring through the air with Tyria’s favorite musical challenge, the Bell Choir! Group up with other players to make sweet harmonies and ring in the season.
Toys are running amok and threatening everyone’s Wintersday! Enter Toypocalypse to defend noble, gift-bearing dolyaks and Tixx’s toymaking machine from the predations of haywire toys!
Snowball Mayhem
What good is Wintersday without the opportunity to pelt friends, foes, and total strangers in the face with snowballs? The Snowball Mayhem fight will pitch you against other players in a mission to store up as many presents as possible while laying waste to the opposing team!
Lingering Poison
You may have found a way into the Toxic Alliance’s inner sanctum, but this has by no means curtailed their nefarious activities! Kessex Hills and the surrounding countryside are still befouled by the alliance’s evil presence!
Developer Livestream—9th December
Sneak a peek at the Wintersday wonders that await you – join ArenaNet devs for a livestream on our Twitch channel on Monday, 9th December, at 9PM CET (12PM PST)!
10th December Balance Update
Are you looking to fine-tune your build, or maybe hoping to try out something new entirely? Our next balance update is coming, and its focus is on improving traits and trait lines. You can read about incoming changes here.
New Gem Store Items
Collection Expansions
Increase the capacity of your collections storage with Collections Expansions. You can currently use up to three Collection Expansions, which increase your collection stack size by 250 each, up to a maximum of 1,000.
New—Upgrade Extractor!
The Upgrade Extractor tool will allow you to remove any upgrade from any item – without destroying either!
Royal Terrace Pass!
Pick up a Royal Pass to get unlimited access to the Queen’s Royal Terrace – which has asura gates, vendors, crafting stations, and more – for two full weeks!