Starting 16th December, 2014

The nights may be growing longer and colder, but Divinity’s Reach is merry with the warmth of the Wintersday spirit. Celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of the next in this traditional winter festival!

The Wondrous Workshop

Enter Toymaker Tixx’s workshop inside his golem-shaped airship, the Infinirarium, to corral mischievous toys and set things to rights!

Warming Grawnk’s Heart

It’s your chance to save Wintersday! The Grawnk has stolen ornaments from the children’s orphanage in Divinity’s Reach, and it’s up to you to track down all of the missing ornaments. If you succeed in your mission, you’ll be able to plant the beautiful Wintersday Tree in your own home instance.

Wintersday Gift Tree

The latest trend in Tyrian holiday décor, these trees provide Wintersday Gifts all year round and are attractive in any home, whether it’s in the heart of the Black Citadel or the farthest lab in Rata Sum. Receive yours by helping the orphans of Divinity’s Reach find their lost ornaments. The Star of Gratitude that comes on top provides additional rewards for those of you with Empyreal Fragments to spare.

Wintersday Festivities

Celebrate the holiday with festive traditions: Leap from snowflake to snowflake in the Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle, ring in the season in Bell Choir, defend gift-bearing dolyaks in Toypocalypse, and store up precious presents in Snowball Mayhem!

Toys and Treasures

Tixx has an assortment of new goodies for the citizens of Tyria! Complete three new collections to receive exclusive rewards like the Endless Gift Box Tonic, and enjoy other festive rewards like the new Magnanimous Choir Bell and Rime-Rimmed Mariner’s Rebreather.

Winter Competitive Events

Jump into World vs. World from now until January 13 to experience the WvW Sneak Attack Event, where map awareness and objective defense will be more important than ever! You can also head into Player vs. Player for the Ladder Test Season, an opportunity for top players to earn exclusive rewards at the end of the month-long season for ladder placement! Learn more here.

New Login Reward System Daily Achievements

Log in today to try out our new achievement system with updated challenges and rewards! Our changes to the dailies system will give you rewards based on the content you complete, and the new daily login reward system will give you something new each day you log in. Learn more here.


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