Beginning 18th February, 2014

Scarlet is on the attack! After months of preparation, the arch-villain descends on Lion’s Arch with all of her deadly forces. Now is the time to rally together and defend the besieged city.

Scarlet’s troops are attacking from airships over Lion’s Arch.

Scarlet’s troops are attacking from airships over Lion’s Arch.

Save as many citizens as you can before the miasma overwhelms the city!

Save as many citizens as you can before the miasma overwhelms the city!

Save the Citizens

As Scarlet fills the port city with lethal miasma, your priority is clear: you must join forces with the Lionguard to evacuate as many of the citizens and merchants of Lion’s Arch as possible. From the great Commodore Lawson Marriner down to the smallest child, people are the most precious resources of Lion’s Arch.

Relocate Refugees

Tyria’s three orders, the Durmand Priory, the Vigil, and the Order of Whispers, have joined with the Lionguard to set up temporary shelters to house the city’s refugees. Visit these camps to talk with refugees and ensure the safety of the fleeing citizens. The Vigil Keep has become an impromptu service hub; head there to find relocated Lion’s Arch vendors.

Evacuate citizens to safety!

Evacuate citizens to safety!

The challenge is great, but so are the rewards!

The challenge is great, but so are the rewards!

Claim Your Rewards

As you help citizens flee Lion’s Arch, gather up lost belongings and return them to refugees in the camps. Collect supplies from your foes, which you can use to craft new back items. More rewards await those who come to the defense of Lion’s Arch, from new utility feasts to endless quaggan tonics! The more citizens you save, the higher your reward level – the most effective defenders even have a rare chance at rewards from past releases!

Captain’s Airship Pass

Get free, immediate access to the new Captain’s Airship from any PvE map! With every conceivable convenience from Black Lion Traders to crafting stations to our own Mystic Forge, this is a one-stop shop for all your needs! Purchase a one-week pass to try it out or a permanent pass for a life of luxury! Act quickly – the permanent pass is available this week only!

Zodiac Armors

Put on a one of the brand-new Zodiac armors and let the real you shine through! These stellar new armors are the most daring we’ve created to date!

New Items in the Gem Store

New Items in the Gem Store

New Items in the Gem Store

New Items in the Gem Store

Ascalonian-Leader Finisher

Summon a horde of vengeful Ascalonian spirits to trample your vanquished foes! Nothing stings quite like being trampled by an ectoplasmic army.

Black Lion Chest Updates

Black Lion Chests now have a chance to drop a Mini Marjory Delaqua or Mini Mai Trin. In addition to all the normal Black Lion Chest rewards, you’ll also get five Bags of Alliance Supplies every time you open a Chest!

Thresher-Sickle 5000

My stock manager assures me that this lovable little golem is at the absolute cutting edge of plant-harvesting technology!

Magnus’s Eye Patch

Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed is a remarkable man! Not everyone has a legend to match his, but you can borrow his sense of style with his new Eye Patch universal helm skin – get both left and right patches for the price of one!

New Items in the Gem Store

New Items in the Gem Store


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