Tower of Nightmares
29th October, 2013
A toxic seed has been sown.
Guarded by magic, fed with evil, it grows.
Behind the Veil
Some new trouble is growing in Kessex Hills. Carefully hidden by magic, the krait have been working tirelessly on a terror unlike anything seen before in Tyria. Marjory Delaqua and Kasmeer Meade are investigating the illusory curtain that’s cloaking part of Viathan Lake, and they need your help! What secret lies behind the veil?
Developer Livestream – 28th October
Take a sneak peak at the Tower of Nightmares release with ArenaNet devs during the preview livestream on our Twitch channel on Monday, 28th October at 8PM CET (12PM PDT).Update: Due to unforseen circumstances, there will not be a developer livestream today.
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Release Notes for Tower of Nightmares
Read detailed notes from our developers about what’s new in this release.
A Guide to Tower of Nightmares
Want to know how to get started? Check out our spoiler-free mini-guide to this release!