A Message from Queen Jennah

by Queen Jennah on September 03, 2013

Citizens and Friends of Kryta,

Though my closing ceremonies speech was interrupted by Scarlet Briar, I feel I said all that needed to be said. Our collective response to that unprovoked attack demonstrates humanity’s resilience far better than any words I might have used. The time for speeches is past: it’s time for action.

For driving Scarlet and her minions out of Divinity’s Reach, I am proud of my people and grateful to our visitors from other nations. We still don’t know the motives behind Scarlet’s actions, but the watchknights have been deactivated pending a full investigation. As soon as we can guarantee they are free from outside influences, they will once again stand tall in the defense of our city and our society.

Jennah 3

I must also caution that though Scarlet was defeated, she was not apprehended. Her hostility to civilized societies is painfully clear. She is still a grave threat, and not just to Divinity’s Reach. Both the Shining Blade and the Seraph are devoting major resources to finding Scarlet and neutralizing the danger she poses, but doing so will take time. Until then, as her devastating assault on our city came without warning, preamble, or just cause, all cities and all people across the globe must prepare themselves for her return.

On behalf of Kryta, and the entire human race, I extend warm thanks to everyone who helped defend Divinity’s Reach. Humanity’s strength will never fade, but we are always stronger with good and true allies to stand and fight beside us.

May the Six Gods smile on you all,
Queen Jennah

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