Astound Your Foes with the Disguised Umbrella Sword Skin!

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on June 11, 2024

    Disguised Umbrella Sword Skin

    Ingenuity in battle is the key to success. Surprise your enemies with a hidden weapon under the guise of a beautiful umbrella. This sneaky skin is available for 600 gems.

    What’s in Stock

    Dress to impress with our amazing outfits! Starting June 14 and continuing for the next few days, select outfits will be 20% off, including the Dragon’s Watch Regalia Outfit, Queensdale Academy Outfit, Ritualist Outfit, Timekeeper Outfit, and many more! You will be the star of the show!

    Returning This Week

    Material Storage Expanders, Recharging Teleport to Friend, Black Lion Expedition Board Contracts, and Black Lion Garden Plot Deeds are 20% off from today until June 25. All Dragon Bash items are 20% off until June 24. Celebrate Dragon Bash with wonderful, discounted goodies!

  • Available Now in the Gem Store!

    Log into Guild Wars 2 and press 'O' to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

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