Community Showcase 11: Creative Contributions from Guild Wars 2 Players

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on March 23, 2016

Welcome to the community showcase, where we celebrate our favorite projects, activities, and other fan works created by Guild Wars 2 players. Our format is changing this month, and we’ll be highlighting some of the amazing fan works on display in the Community Showcase Live livestream. Tune in monthly on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel for even more!

Team Paraluna’s incredible cosplay brings Caithe to life in one of her most painful moments.

Caithe Cosplay

This portrait of a revenant by z1ide is beautiful, but it’s just as well that revenants are on our side—we sure wouldn’t want to cross this one!

Revenant Portrait

Spring is the perfect time to wield this incredible replica of a greatsword from Dwayna’s weapon set, created by sternentee. Just try not to hurt anybody with your giant bladed weapon, for Dwayna’s sake.

Dwayna Greatsword

Tyrians are getting more and more creative with their gliders, and the-designs is more than up to the challenge. These sylvari-inspired leaf wings even glow in the dark!

Leaf Wings

This one-of-a-kind figure customized by darthasterisks comes with a painstakingly detailed set of weapons and is ready to defend the Grove against all threats less than four inches tall.

Sylvari Custom

Quaggans and cake are both great things, so why not put them together? Sadly, quaggan must leave the actual baking to southsun-stalwart; quaggan was banned from the kitchen after the salmon-frosting incident.

Cake Quaggans

We love seeing fans’ works of art, creativity, and community organization from around the world. Keep up the excellent work! Hungry for more Guild Wars 2 fan projects? Ready to show off your own? Head to the official Guild Wars 2 Tumblr and read up on the submission guidelines! You can submit your works via the Guild Wars 2 Tumblr, send us a tweet @GuildWars2, or share on the official Community Creations subforum.

Check out the recording below to see all the fan works in this month’s episode of Community Showcase Live!

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