Earning Hero Points in World vs. World

by Tyler Bearce on October 19, 2015


Greetings, Tyrians!

As part of the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ release, we’ll be deprecating current liquid world experience consumables and adding a new system to World vs. World in which players can complete all of the hero challenges in the game without leaving WvW. We’re doing this because we want WvW players to have the opportunity to earn their profession’s elite specialization entirely by playing WvW.

Scrolls of Heroics

  • As you gain rank in WvW, you’ll earn new Proofs of Heroics items.
  • These proofs can be spent at the new heroics notary vendor, located at every WvW spawn point.
  • The vendor sells new consumables called Notarized Scrolls of Heroics and Notarized Scrolls of Maguuma Heroics, as well as superior siege weapon blueprints.
  • When consumed, these scrolls will complete one random hero challenge in either Central Tyria or Maguuma, respectively.
  • Combining 1 proof and 30 Badges of Honor yields 1 Notarized Scroll of Heroics.
  • Combining 5 proofs and 150 Badges of Honor yields 1 Notarized Scroll of Maguuma Heroics.
  • Once a player has unlocked all the hero challenges in a region, its associated scroll will no longer be available for purchase.
  • Any scrolls purchased above the cap can be consumed to refund the purchase price.
  • Notarized Scrolls of Maguuma Heroics will be unavailable to players who do not own Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.

The addition of these new items means you can do every hero challenge in the game by exclusively playing WvW if you wish!

Changes to Liquid World Experience

In the interest of fairness to PvE players, we didn’t want to allow any WvW players who may have been stockpiling liquid world experience to instantly rank up a bunch of times and immediately begin unlocking the new expansion hero challenges the moment the expansion released. To that end, we’re making the following changes to liquid world experience:

  • On patch day, any leftover liquid world experience consumables in player inventories or banks will be converted into 50% WXP booster consumables.
  • These WXP boosters vary in duration (15 minutes to 10 hours) depending on the type of liquid world experience item replaced.
  • The laurel vendor will no longer sell liquid world experience.
  • Daily WvW achievements now reward 20-minute general experience boosters rather than 250 liquid WXP consumables. These experience boosters are consumed immediately and grant boosts in all game modes, boosting experience, world experience, and Player vs. Player rewards.
  • In all other locations, liquid world experience consumables have been replaced with new, automatically consumed instant world experience consumables of equivalent value. While it’s still possible that on a rare occasion you’ll earn a keg of world experience, it’ll just be consumed instantly.

We’re excited to have a new system for players to earn hero points while playing World vs. World! We believe the changes to liquid world experience to be a worthwhile trade-off, and we can’t wait for you to join us in unlocking our elite specializations as we bathe in the tears of our defeated foes!

See you on the battlefield!

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