Eat to Your Heart’s Content with the Street Noodles Chair

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on March 07, 2023

    Street Noodles Chair, and Chest and Leg Tattoo Packs

    Street Noodles Chair

    Do you like to take a little lunch break here and there? Replenish your energy with the most delicious noodles—and bring your friends, because the Street Noodles Chair has room for three!

    Chest and Leg Tattoo Packs

    Decorate your body with blooming fire, a serpentine brand, or the strength of the tide. Your spirit paints your skin.

    What’s in Stock

    Returning This Week

    We’re refreshing our seasonal selection of armor skins. Choose the ones that suit you best!

    March Sales

    All Gem Store weapon skins, such as the Hourglass Staff, Crescent Moon Scepter Skin, Comet Hammer Skin, Belinda’s Greatsword Skin, and more, are 30% off from March 7 to March 13.
    Bag Slot Expansions are 25% off from March 10 to March 16. Don’t miss out!

  • Available Now in the Gem Store!

    Log into Guild Wars 2 and press 'O' to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

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