Friend/Ships One Year Later: Sheila’s Story

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on February 06, 2019


During last year’s Friend/Ships campaign, the community submitted tons of stories about real-life relationships in Guild Wars 2. Over the next few weeks, we’ll catch up with some of the folks who participated to see how they’re doing in 2019! This week we talked to Sheila, a player who loves to spend time with her daughter in Tyria. You can read her original Friend/Ships 2018 post here (available in English only).

Interviews have been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Meet Sheila

Question: Can you give us a quick recap of your story?

Sheila: My oldest daughter has played since the very beginning (alpha testing Guild Wars® in 2005), and after watching her play for a few months, I soon talked her into teaching me how, as it would be my first time playing any type of MMO. She had lots of patience, and I fell in love with the whole experience and the benefit of getting to play with her as well.

My other kids played as well for a little while, but the two of us continued playing side by side for over a decade until she got married. Now that she has two little children, I’m on hold getting to play with her, but I still have the extra accounts so that my grandchildren can someday play with us too! ^_^

Q: What are your favorite things to do together in game?

Sheila: Doing all the storylines together!

Q: In the past year, has anything changed for you as the game has changed?

Sheila: I keep falling more and more in love with the game and ALL the many different events that you can participate in. I love the story, map events, World vs. World, PvP, fractals, raids, and the achievements.

Q: Tell us about an especially powerful or memorable moment you’ve had playing together in 2018 or 2019 so far.

Sheila: Since my daughter has two very young children, we only get to do the story events together for now, but it’s still very special anytime I get to play with her.

Q: How do your in-game relationships make your time in Guild Wars 2 unique?

Sheila: My friends from the original Guild Warsand friends in my guild have always made the difference in being able to fully enjoy ALL aspects of the game, as there is so much to do and achieve.

Thank you for taking the time to talk with us, Sheila!

Do you have a story of your own to share about your positive Guild Wars 2 experiences with friends, loved ones, or even helpful strangers? Tag them with #GW2FriendShips on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Tumblr, and we’ll post them on the official site for the whole community to read.

If you include the #GW2Giveaway tag as well, you could win great prizes—including a trip for two to gamescom 2019! Check out the official rules and regulations here.

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