Some of you are still surprised to find me selling products based on the gods of humanity. Listen: I’m filling an economic niche. Worshippers of the Six want merchandise, but aren’t keen to be seen as profiting off their gods. I, on the other hand, am hardly afraid of offending something I don’t worship. Win-win.
Replica Mirror of Lyssa
Yes, you are seeing double. Take some time to reflect with this exacting replica of a divine doodad, which admittedly works better as a focus than it does a hand mirror.
Returning Items!
The Phoenix and Trickster’s armor skin sets are back at 20% off, the Mursaat Robes outfit is 30% off, and Marjory’s Axe and Dagger skins have returned to the store. This is also your last week to crack open a Black Lion Chest under our current Spring Synergy theme, so act fast.
Discount Package: Electromagnetic Ascender and Descender
Buy both of these shocking items as a package deal and save!
Available Now in the Gem Store!
Log into Guild Wars 2 and press 'O' to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!