Go Wild with the Primal Warden Appearance Package

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on November 05, 2019

    Primal Warden Appearance Package


    This value package contains a Primal Warden Outfit, Great Lodge Chair, five Norn Dye Kits, and a Total Makeover Kit (items also sold separately). It also includes an Onyx and Gold Lion Weapon Choice, which you can use to select an exclusive weapon skin.

    Primal Warden Outfit
    The forests and jungles of Tyria are bursting with life—and you’ll be bursting with style when you put on the Primal Warden Outfit. Whether you want to blend in with the forest around you or terrify your enemy, you look fierce.


    Great Lodge Chair
    After a great hunt, there’s nothing like gathering round the fire and sharing tales of glory. Kick back in a chair fit for a legend! Crowned with antlers, it features a luxurious fur throw and a regal wolf to keep you company.


    Norn Dye Kit
    Each kit contains a random dye from a pool of twenty-five legendary colors, including six new exclusive colors: Havroun, Spirits, Exodus, Legend, Hunt, and Alemoot.

    What’s in Stock

    Returning This Week

    • Shimmerwing Skyscale Skin
    • Shrine Guardian Jackal Skin
    • Nightfang Griffon Skin
    • Gallant Lightbearer Raptor Skin
    • Tremor Armadillo Roller Beetle Skin
    • Magnificent Hummingbird Skimmer Skin
    • Sun Temple Gecko Springer Skin
  • Available Now in the Gem Store!

    Log into Guild Wars 2 and press 'O' to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

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