Lion’s Arch Construction Nears Completion; New Player Poll Announced

by Gaile Gray on May 19, 2015

Well, the cat’s out of the bag now. Anyone who’s visited Lion’s Arch today has already noticed some pretty exciting changes—the increased activity of the construction workers, watchful reviews by the surveyors, assembly airships, a construction yard, and a whole lot of scaffolding! At long last we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and our beloved Lion’s Arch—the heart and soul of Tyria—will soon be rebuilt!

Read further for more insights into the new Lion’s Arch, get a look at some imagery of possible layouts commissioned by the Captain’s Council, and talk about celebrating this exciting event!


The New Lion’s Arch

The plan of the city leaders is not to attempt to fully restore the landmark as it once was, but rather to implement an enhanced design that will more realistically serve the Tyria of today. In light of the lessons learned from the attack by Scarlet Briar and her massive airship drill, the Breachmaker, the city will be a more fortified city, with a design intended to protect citizen and visitor alike.

And yet, the city will retain its distinctive beauty. There will be new gathering places, focused service areas, refreshed locations, and commemorative area names and place names that are sure to delight. Lion’s Arch will remain a glorious meeting place for Tyrians of every race, profession, and background.


We look forward to the fun and excitement of exploring this newly refreshed city and learning about its every corner, cubbyhole, and building!

Show Your Civic Pride: Naming Poll

Can’t wait to see what this revitalized old city has to offer? Want to get involved and show your civic pride? Read this invitation, as a Lion’s Arch town crier might offer it:

Hear ye! Hear ye! The city leaders of Lion’s Arch invite you to participate in the reinauguration of our beloved metropolis. You are invited to help in the naming of important structures, locations, and areas within Lion’s Arch!

If you’d like to help name new locations or rename old favorites, head over to this page to vote on the names of selected buildings, spaces, and landmarks. Voting will end in a week, on May 26. Check back later to see if your favorite name becomes the final choice.



Construction projects are dependent on workers and weather, both of which can be unpredictable. But while we don’t have a date for the final unveiling, we can say that—due to the advantages of off-site construction—one morning in the next few months you’ll awake to a newly refreshed Lion’s Arch.

In the meantime, we’d like every guild, group, and gang of friends to consider how they’re going to celebrate the new Lion’s Arch. A poetry reading? A historical reenactment? A musical extravaganza? Or how about just…a party? Put on your collective thinking caps, and start coming up with plans for your group’s party. We’ll give you a heads-up as the date approaches. And don’t forget to share your party plans on the official forums. Who knows—maybe some ArenaNet folks will stop by during your event!

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