What is with this city and rumors lately? “Queen Jennah’s really an illusion.” “Queen Jennah absorbs the lifeblood of her people through the soles of her feet.” “Queen Jennah’s got three heads and spits fire.” Queen Jennah’s just another human politician. Big deal.

Mini Demmi Beetlestone
She’s a nice kid. Always says good morning and never gives me any trouble. Wait until she sees this miniature I commissioned of her! I’ve got one set aside for her when she gets back to Lion’s Arch, so if you see her, tell her to drop by my office.
Romantic Items Return
It’s that time of year. Show your hot stuff some lovin’ with the Wings of Love Glider, Romantic Gift Pack, and—for you folks taking the big plunge—the Wedding Preparation Package.
Gwen's Attire on Sale
It’s not Halloween, but I’m knocking 25% off the price of this terrifying outfit anyway. Dress up as Gwen the Goremonger and scare your local fahrar into good behavior for weeks.
Available Now in the Gem Store!
Log into Guild Wars 2 and press 'O' to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!