My fellow charr revolutionized war by inventing guns. We revolutionized education with the printing press. Now we’re revolutionizing music with our Musical Bass Guitar! Combining technology from salvaged sonic periscopes with the musicality of a stringed instrument, we’ve created a unique and powerful sound. And the innovations don’t stop there! We’re also bringing you the Mad Scientist’s Mining Tool, which will let you blast ore nodes with a devastating cutting beam.
Musical Bass Guitar
This industrious charr innovation will blast your ears with low and resonant sounds like you’ve never heard!
Mad Scientist Mining Tool
I recommend wearing goggles with this one! This unlimited mining tool will let you blast mining nodes, cutting out valuable materials with the greatest of ease.
Available Now in the Gem Store!
Log into Guild Wars 2 and press 'O' to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!