New Ancestral Outfit and Mini Jaguar Cub in the Gem Store!

by Evon Gnashblade on May 27, 2014

The Festival of the Four Winds is in full swing, and what better way to celebrate than with a new outfit? Treat yourself to the new Ancestral Outfit so you look your best as you enjoy the festivities! Read on to learn about this week’s offerings.

  • New—Ancestral Outfits!

    These splendid new Ancestral Outfits are hand-stitched with love and careful attention to detail.

  • New—Mini Jaguar Cub!

    The last addition to our spring miniature collection for this year is the fuzzy and loveable Miniature Jaguar Cub! Act quickly—this cub is available for only one week!

  • Ending Soon

    This is the last week that you’ll be able to pick up the pack with last year’s Baby Minis Series 1 Pack. It’s also the last week to pick up a Sclerite or Winter’s weapon from my Black Lion Weapons Specialists.

  • Available Now in the Gem Store!

    Log into Guild Wars 2 and press “O” to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

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