New Hair Styles and More in the Gem Store!

by Evon Gnashblade on October 01, 2013

The year turns on, Caithe and the Lionguard are busy trying to infiltrate Scarlet’s new secret base, and Halloween approaches! This week’s offerings from the Black Lion Trading post have a little something for everybody: We’ve got new Instant Trait Resets for those of you headed out for adventure, Halloween finishers for folks getting into the spirit of the spooky season, new hairstyles for everybody, and more!

  • New Hairstyles!

    Each Total Makeover Kit and Self-Style Hair Kit now gives characters of every race and gender access to three new hairstyles!

  • New—Instant Trait Reset

    Ever been knee-deep in the bodies of your slain enemies and badly in need of a trait reset? We’ve got you covered! This single-use item can be used out of combat to instantly reset your trait point allocation.

  • New—Permanent Spooky Finishers

    Last year’s popular Mad King and Scarecrow Finishers are back—this year, you can buy permanent versions!

  • New Minis in Black Lion Chests

    Our Black Lion Chests have been updated with a rare chance to contain a Mini Caithe or Holographic Scarlet!

  • Leaving Soon—Minis 3-Pack Set 1

    On October 15, the Minis 3-Pack Set 1 will cease to be a regular store offering. While you’ll still be able to create minis from Set 1 in the Mystic Forge or buy them on the Trading Post, this is your last chance to buy the original 3-pack outside of limited special event sales.

  • Available Now in the Gem Store!

    Log into Guild Wars 2 and press “O” to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

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