New Hairstyles, Rainbow Unicorn Finisher, Living World Season 2 Complete Pack, and Stronghold Beta Sale in the Gem Store!

by Evon Gnashblade on April 14, 2015

We’re celebrating the Stronghold beta with a special sale! You’ll find an assortment of items on discount, and a few brand-new items are available, too. Consider the unicorn, a majestic and rare beast. Here at the Black Lion Trading Company, we’d like to give you the unique opportunity to summon one of these rare creatures to finish your defeated enemies! We also have brand-new hairstyles and the Living World Season 2 Complete Pack!

  • Rainbow Unicorn Finisher

    Humiliate your foes and amaze your allies with this magical new finisher! Preview it in the wardrobe today!

  • New Hairstyles

    Be fashion forward with the latest hairstyles, available in both Self-Style Hair Kits and Total Makeover Kits.

  • Living World Season 2 Complete Pack

    Experience the entirety of Living World Season 2 at a discount when you purchase all your missing episodes together in our complete pack! This discount is only available in the Gem Store. Now is the best time to get caught up on the events leading up to Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™!

  • Stronghold Beta Sale

    We’ve got a special sale to support our brand-new competitive game mode, Stronghold! Enjoy 15% off the Mist Herald Backpack, Shadow Assassin Outfit, and Transmutation Charges!

  • Available Now in the Gem Store!

    Log into Guild Wars 2 and press 'O' to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

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