Notes from Rata Novus, Part One

by Taimi on July 13, 2016



This is bliss! I have to admit, when the commander left with the others, I was a tiny bit nervous about staying here by myself, but what a dream this turned out to be! I haven’t slept in a week, and I don’t want to sleep for at least another two! Or three. Maybe four. (Note: Look into alternative to sleep.) There’s so much data here, this place should have been called Data Novus! (Note: Does lack of sleep make you smart and hilarious? I think so.) It feels like it’ll be almost impossible to go through it all by myself… But the last thing I want is some other nosy researcher horning in on my work. So many theories are swirling around in my brain; I know I’m on the verge of something big. I just need time to draw some solid conclusions.

One of the more remarkable things I discovered here is a replication (or maybe the original prototype?) of the ley-line map we found just outside of Tarir. The magical network of ley energy is alive! It goes this way, and then that way. One minute it’s here, and then the next it’s over there! I had no idea it was in constant flux. Although I’ve had a little contact with friends on the outside, I wouldn’t need their input to tell you definitively that the commander’s mission was successful! Mordremoth is no more! There was an intense light coming from that part of the jungle, and then one morning I woke up and it had dimmed, and the rest of the map was lit up like a Lunar New Year fireworks show!

I’m developing a system to track and log the flow of magic. I hope to find some sort of pattern. I mean, it can’t just be completely chaotic, can it? Or maybe it can… Maybe it has to be! But at the same time, maybe it can’t be! Both arguments make an equal amount of sense to me right now… (Note: Investigate impact of sleep deprivation on rational thought.)

I’ve observed that the egg chamber is definitely brighter than it was. Caithe told me she was going to check on the egg and make sure it was okay. (Note: Of course she is.) I have a hypothesis about her Wyld Hunt, but I’ll keep that to myself in case this journal ever gets away from me. (If it does and you’re reading it, Caithe: Hi, friend! You’re the greatest and you always make the best decisions!) (Commander, if you’re reading this: wink, wink.)

Okay, I just reread those last few sentences and it’s possible—though not very plausible—I’m cracking up. Maybe I could use someone to talk to… But not a real someone. They’d just slow me down or worse. Oh! I almost forgot about Scruffy! He’s not a real someone! I miss the big guy. I’ll have to formulate a new design for him… But do I have time to get sidetracked? No. I can’t. Not now at least. Anyway, I’m getting along just fine! Besides, I can always talk to my new friend, Plant! She’s a beautiful little fern who sprouted from one of the cracks in the floor of the dragon lab. She’s pretty cool, but quiet and green. Kinda like a shy Sylvari. (Note: Does the number of sleepless nights correlate to the amount of new flora friendships? Conclusion: Highly probable, but who cares? New friends!)

Wait, what was that? Hmmm…if I didn’t know better, I’d say it sounded like the gate powering up. Curious. Plant, keep an eye on my journal, I’ll be right back!

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