Prepare your raid teams and join the Ready Check Cup

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on December 12, 2022

We are excited to support the Ready Check Cup, a raid tournament organized by Hardstuck and members of our Partner Program to raise funds for the Cure Rare Disease charity.

Save the date! The tournament will begin on Saturday, December 17 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-8) and sign-ups will close 24 hours prior to the event.
During the tournament, teams will compete in four rounds of fast-paced, 30-minute matches in Spirit Vale, Salvation Pass, Stronghold of the Faithful, and Bastion of the Penitent.
The victorious teams will be rewarded with the Community Hero Title, Community Chests, gems, and gold!

Our partners Snebzor and MightyTeapot will be streaming the spectacle on Twitch at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-8) on December 17, so be sure to tune in!

If you are eager to join the competition with your friends and guildmates, be sure to check the requirements and learn how to enter on the Ready Check Cup page.

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