Shadow and Light Unite with the Equinox Appearance Pack

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on February 14, 2023

    Free Total Makeover Kit

    Log in to Guild Wars 2 today and pick up a free Total Makeover Kit from the Gem Store! Available until February 27.

    Equinox Appearance Package

    The Equinox Outfit is composed of a regal white tunic on one side and jagged black stone armor on the other. The matching glider and backpack have a black wing on one side and a white wing on the other.

    The equinox’s soul calls for duality; dark and light will grow harmoniously within you. This package includes the Equinox Outfit, Equinox Wings Backpack and Glider Combo, and a Total Makeover Kit. The outfit and backpack and glider combo are also sold individually.

    What’s in Stock

    We’re refreshing our seasonal selection of mount adoption licenses, mount select licenses, and themed mount packs this week. Expand your beautiful menagerie.

    Returning This Week
    If your heart is intertwined with a soulmate, this week is for you. Celebrate love with your other half! Valentine’s Day items are 30% off.

    Itching to experience more of the world of Tyria? All Living World episodes and seasons are 20% off this week! Grab a Black Lion Instant Level 80 Ticket at 20% off and jump right into your adventures.

  • Available Now in the Gem Store!

    Log into Guild Wars 2 and press 'O' to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!

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