Sing Along to “Bound by Blood”

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on September 18, 2019


Whether you’re Blood, Iron, Ash, or Flame, there’s one thing we can all agree on—Metal Legion rocks. Even if you’re not the type to get up on stage and roar at the top of your lungs, you can still belt out their crowd-pumping, fire-forged hit, “Bound by Blood.” Head over to our Soundcloud with these lyrics in hand and sing along to the instrumental version!

We’d love to hear your cover, so tag your performances with @GuildWars2 on Twitter, and we’ll share them with the community. Just remember to warm up before you start trying to hit those low notes.

Bound by Blood

Always a soldier, from fahrar until death
No weakness, just loyalty (pride)
…history (legacy)
…unity (victory)
Bound by blood

This is our song
Our mission
Our war
We endure

Beating, bleeding heart
First warband to last stand
Horns, claws, fangs
Bound. By. Blood.

Shoulder to shoulder
Steady in ranks
Bound by blood
We attack, we bleed
No retreat, no defeat
Bound by blood

This is our song
Our mission
Our war
Fear our roar

Heavy the chains of our war machines
Blistering the fire of our cannons
Crimson on our blades
Crimson in the mud

Beating, bleeding heart
First warband to last stand
Horns, claws, fangs
Bound. By. Blood.

Hear the ringing of our clashing armor
Echoes of our war cries chase the souls of the dead
Watch the fearful countenance of our enemies
Our citadel rises, erected upon the ruined corpses of our nemeses

Bound! By! Blood!

Shoulder to shoulder
Steady in ranks
Bound by blood
We attack, we bleed
No retreat, no defeat
Bound by blood

Foes grow bold
They fall, they fade
Charr remain
Gods, flesh, spectres
They fall…they fade
Charr remain

This is our song
Our mission
Our war
We are pure
We are one
We are charr




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