World vs. World Weeklong Bonus

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on April 23, 2019


Get ready for high stakes—and increased rewards—in World vs. World! Starting on April 26, take advantage of bonuses to reward-track progress, world experience, and magic find for a full week.

There’s just one little catch: it seems that a freak fluctuation in the fabric of the Mists will completely disable the downed state for the duration of the event. We’re sure you’ll be fine!

Today’s skill balance update is live! You can read the complete release notes on our forums.

Weeklong Bonus: World vs. World

Date and Time: From 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time on April 26 to 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time on May 3 (UTC-7).

Gameplay Variant: No downed state! Players in World vs. World will be defeated when their health reaches zero.

Bonuses While Playing in WvW:

  • Receive a 25% bonus to reward-track progress
  • Gain double WXP
  • Receive a 50% bonus to magic find
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