Thank You for Being Our Friends!

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on April 11, 2018

We’d like to say thank you to everyone who submitted their stories of love and friendship in Guild Wars 2 during the Friend/Ships initiative. The site filled up with hundreds of great stories celebrating the adventures players have with their guilds, families, friends, partners, and loved ones in Tyria.

Friend/Ships was inspired by the great stories players have shared with the community ever since Guild Wars 2 launched. Some of those players were kind enough to let us film them for three spotlight videos, which we released over the course of the campaign. You can watch a compilation video below, or check out the individual blog posts to see the full videos featuring Nicole and Tyler, the [POOF] guild, and Bria and Poz.

We hope you’ll continue sharing your stories using the #GW2FriendShips hashtag on social media, because we always love to read them!

Eligible players who submitted Friend/Ships stories using the #GW2Giveaway hashtag were entered into a sweepstakes to win discount codes for Guild Wars 2 merchandise, commissioned portraits of their characters by one of our creative partners, and a trip to visit the ArenaNet studio in Seattle during PAX West 2018. Congratulations to all of the winners!

Friend/Ships Sweepstakes Winners
SlothPlaysNecro, SheepaBeep, Chartfish, Leah H., Neal T., Jamie S., Holly W., doomzero00, Issaela, Scha D., Darby, David L., Metis Lee P., Sean F., Kelsey P., Sarah Y., Diana T., BekiJane, Siabair, Alpha_Assassin, John L., Refreshments410, xSynystyr, Abimarye, Shadechoart, Angry.Trashcan, Killcam_mackattack, Sarah G., buntespielweise, Adam T., Capitan, Synne’s World, lynnebowmancraver, Verdant_Sylvari, Auntteen928, Maramoonplays, AutumnalNocturn, Junuve, Ms-Usagi, kungfumama, corpsmanup1775, Jan H., Andres M., Vixen747, Lykra22, Hamaeart, c_ma_ga, Jeannene B, Stephanie, givegodtheglory, lisadboivin, beaversm4, Eric O., Alex F, Kimberly K., Marian W., Shade V

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