The ArenaNet Streaming Schedule for the Week of August 22

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on August 19, 2016

We’ve partnered up with some our fans to showcase their creative and exciting Guild Wars 2-inspired content on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel. Check out next week’s schedule below!

Streams for the Week of August 22


Monday, August 22

The Darkxemnas Show (by Darkxemnas) (Spanish)
1:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC-7)
Follow Darkxemnas as he engages in some PvE and PvP action.

Choxie’s Ecto Gambling Marathon (by Choxie808) (English)
2:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC-7)
Do you feel lucky? Choxie is giving away gold and globs of ectoplasm. He claims it’s for science, but we know it’s for your entertainment.

Tuesday, August 23


Peachy Party (by Aurora Peachy) (English)
9:00 AM Pacific Time (UTC-7)
Hang out with Aurora Peachy and chat about the recent update, as well as general game dicussion and giveaways.

Wednesday, August 24

GuildNews Podcast (by Sputti) (German)
10:00 AM Pacific Time (UTC-7)
The week in review with the GuildNews crew.


Thursday, August 25

The Guild Wars 2 Art Show (by Correllis) (English)
8:00 AM Pacific Time (UTC-7)
Correllis specializes in wondrous and impressionist interpretations of Tyrian landscapes. Come and watch him reshape the world we know into a new magical scenery. This week’s artwork will feature Tyria’s latest addition: Bloostone Fen.
You can also find all the artworks created during our Guild Wars 2 Art Show on the Guild Wars 2 Art Show Flickr Album.

The GuildMag Podcast (by GuildMag) (English)
1:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC-7)
The GuildMag team brings you up to speed on everything that happened this week in the Guild Wars 2 universe.

If you need help converting times into your own time zone, you can use this tool.

Thank you for watching!

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