The Mordrem Are Coming

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on September 02, 2015


Mordremoth is rallying its forces, sending armies of Mordrem out of the Maguuma Jungle to test Central Tyria’s defenses. Drive back the invasion, and stop the jungle dragon from sinking its teeth into vulnerable territory!

The Battle Begins

From 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on September 10 through 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on September 14, Mordrem will be staging periodic incursions into Brisban Wildlands, Kessex Hills, and Diessa Plateau. Keep an eye on the world event UI, which will let you know when Mordremoth is launching its assault. Coordinate with other players to stop the Mordrem in their tracks, and you’ll earn Mordrem Blooms. Mordrem Blooms are the research samples the Durmand Priory seek. In exchange for the research samples, the Durmand Priory is offering concessions as a reward.

This event is recommended for players level 18 and up. If you’re just starting your journey into Tyria, you can prepare by exploring the game world, completing maps, learning your character’s abilities, and making friends to join forces with during the invasion. Guilds will be
seeking new members, so be on the lookout for one that’s right for you! In addition to all the perks of guild membership, you’ll have allies on your side during this tumultuous time.

ArenaNet developers will be joining players in the game throughout the invasion, so look for the red ArenaNet logo, and be sure to say hello. We’d also love to see your screenshots of the event, so tweet us your favorites @GuildWars2 or submit them to the official Guild Wars 2 Tumblr! Our team will be sharing the best of the best through our social-media channels through the week of September 13.

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