Weeklong Bonus Event: World Boss Beatdown!

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on April 29, 2019


We think the biggest, baddest monsters terrorizing Tyria’s farmlands, swamps, coastlines, tundra, volcanos—and more!—have gotten a little too comfortable in their routines. We’re shaking things up by hitting them where it counts—right in the loot drops.

From May 6 to May 13, you’ll get a Bonus Box of Goods from every world boss you participate in defeating. There’s a rare chance for these to contain especially shiny items like cosmetic infusions and invisible footwear.

When one of the loathsome creatures is active near you, we’ll issue a special notice so you and your fellow adventurers can locate it easily, swoop in, and smack it down.

Weeklong Bonus: World Bosses

  • Date and Time: From 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time on May 6 to 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time on May 13 (UTC-7).
  • Gameplay Variant: Gain a Bonus Box of Goods from participating in world boss events.

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