Wintersday is just around the corner! The air is getting crisper, Lion’s Arch will soon be decorated – you know, I and my fellow Black Lion Trading Company representatives are so excited, we think it’s time to start celebrating Wintersday in the Gem Store. Read on to learn about this week’s offerings!

New—Holiday Helms!
Antlers are in for this Wintersday season! Pick up a Grenth Hood or Stag Helm and celebrate the season in fashion!
New—Wintersday Minis!
The Mini Puppy, Faun, and Arctic Fox Kit are all waiting to enjoy Wintersday with you! Unlock these faithful – and adorable – companions in the Wintersday Minis 3-Pack! You can also use these minis and Ugly Wool Sweaters to create the lovely Mini Dolyak Calf!
Black Lion Wintersday Rewards Event
From now until December 31, you can earn special gifts like a Green Quaggan Backpack or the elusive Mini Mr. Sparkles by buying gems! Learn more!
Leaving Soon
This is your last week to pick up Kasmeer’s Staff, Marjory’s Axe and Dagger, and the infinite Dreamcleaver Logging Axe!
Available Now in the Gem Store!
Log into Guild Wars 2 and press “O” to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!