World vs. World Updates Are Live

by The Guild Wars 2 Team on June 06, 2017


World vs. World has been updated with a new skirmishing UI, rewards, and an improved LFG system in the first part of the June 2017 Competitive Feature Pack! You can visit the release page for more details and read the complete release notes on our forums.

As you play this release, consider adding information you find to the official wiki for the benefit of the Guild Wars 2 community! You can find information about how to edit an article or generally contribute to the wiki on this page.

In addition, you can join host Rubi Bayer and her developer guests for this week’s Guild Chat on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel! They’ll talk about this week’s updates to World vs. World.

Guild Chat will air on Friday, June 9 at noon Pacific Time (UTC-7).

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