Guild Wars 2 Original Soundtracks

Take a musical journey through Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds, Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, and Living World with the original soundtracks. These digital releases feature stunning instrumental tracks composed exclusively for Guild Wars 2’s award-winning expansions and episodic game releases.

Our original soundtracks are now available on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and most other music platforms.

Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds Original Soundtrack

Composed by Maclaine Diemer, Bryan Atkinson, Jarryd Elias, Joel Santos and Paul Cartwright 

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Guild Wars 2 Foley Soundtrack

Composed by Drew Cady, James Mello and Jasmine Serrano 

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Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure Original Soundtrack

Composed by Maclaine Diemer, Bryan Atkinson, Bobby Rose, Jarryd Elias, Michael Paraskevas, Jaimee Jimin Park and Bobby Brader

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Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Original Soundtrack

Composed by Maclaine Diemer, Michael Choi, Sojin Ryn, Andi Roselund, Bryan Atkinson, Lena Raine, Joyce Kwon and Steve Pardo

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Guild Wars 2: Icebrood Saga Original Soundtrack

Composed by Maclaine Diemer, Stan LePard, Brendon Williams, Garry Schymann and Bryan Atkinson

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Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Original Soundtrack

Composed by Maclaine Diemer, Wilbert Roget II, Brendon Williams, and Stan LePard

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Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Original Soundtrack

Composed by Maclaine Diemer, Lena Chappelle, and Stan LePard

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Guild Wars 2: The Icebrood Saga Metal Legion Original Soundtrack

Composed by Joseph Clark and Keenan Sieg

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Guild Wars 2: Living World Season 4 Original Soundtrack

Composed by Maclaine Diemer, Brendon Williams, Wilber Roget II, Lena Raine and Chris Burgess

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Guild Wars 2: Living World Season 3 Original Soundtrack

Composed by Maclaine Diemer and Brendon Williams

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Guild Wars 2: Living World Season 2 Original Soundtrack

Composed by Maclaine Diemer, Lena Raine, Stan LePard and Jeremy Soule

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