
Experience high-impact, fast-paced combat and choose from an arsenal of professions, weapons, and playstyles. Attack on the move, dodge and roll away from enemy blows, and come to your allies’ rescue midbattle. In the open world, you can team up with every player you meet—no grouping required!

Combat in Guild Wars 2 is flexible, fast paced, and dynamic. Every profession is versatile, with an arsenal of skills and powers at their command. As you explore Tyria, you’ll unlock a vast selection of skills, traits, and weapon options to create the heroic character you want to play.

In the world of Tyria, heroes are powerful combatants who hold their own by dodging attacks, healing themselves, and making strategic use of their unique skills. Every profession excels at combat, letting you explore the world either alone or with friends. When you join forces with other players, you’ll learn to combine your abilities into enhanced attacks, support your allies by healing and resurrecting them, and break through tough enemy defenses.

The more your character grows, the more versatile they’ll become, allowing you to adapt your tactics as needed. Sheath your daggers to finish off a fleeing enemy with a short bow. Whirl through an ally’s wall of fire to create flaming projectiles. Use skills to summon birds of prey, call down firestorms from above, warp time to speed up your attacks, and much more. Decide how you’ll play your character moment-to-moment with customizable specializations.

We’re putting the fun back in fantasy combat—come join us on the battlefield!

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