Tequatl Rising
September 17, 2013
It has been gathering power in the depths.
It is faster, stronger, deadlier.
It has returned to devour and destroy.
It is called Tequatl the Sunless… and it has evolved.
The Dragon Tequatl – Redefined!
Something’s gotten into Tequatl the Sunless. This ancient dragon, scourge of the Splintered Coast, has become more formidable than ever, with an arsenal of new attacks and lethal tricks at its disposal. To stop this rampaging beast, you’ll join forces with old friends and new allies in a desperate battle where failure is a very real option. Tequatl has risen – and it will take an army of players to bring it down!
Developer Livestream – September 20
Dive deeper into the Tequatl Rising release with ArenaNet devs during the livestream on our Twitch channel on Friday, September 20 at 12PM PDT.
Coming Soon –
“Looking For Group” ToolWe’ve added a new system to help players find others to join in on their adventures. Using our new looking for group system, you’ll be able to select the type of content you’d like to do and add in a custom description about the group you’re trying to form. Use the system alone or with friends to easily fill out your party! Read more on the forums.
New Gem Store Items
More Bank Tab Expansions!
The Black Lion Trading Company is raising the number of Bank Tab Expansions players can unlock for their account! You can now have a total of 12 tabs unlocked in your bank.
Deathly Dye Pack
The Deathly Dye pack contains deathly colors from all across the spectrum. Open one up to receive a random color—maybe even one of six brand-new shades of dye!